Pelicans fly low sometimes, skimming along the surface of the water. (Not flying high now.) They’re mostly looking for a meal, for nourishment. Being low has its benefits for pelicans. And, I’ve decided, for me, too.
Continue Reading →Have you ever noticed a sole egret standing by a stream? Or just one blue heron alone on a riverbank? What happened to birds of a feather, what happened to the flock? (What’s wrong with this bird?)
Continue Reading →Flying High Solo is changing, at least for a while. I launched this site as a magazine, to report on things relevant to solos – interesting people, places, and things to know and do. I didn’t intend to write about what was happening in my life. That was then…
Continue Reading →This news just has to be shared. I actually lowered my cholesterol (the “bad” LDL) by 32 points since the beginning of May. (See the story below on coffee brewing and cholesterol. I had been brewing and drinking unfiltered coffee for years!).
Continue Reading →Liquid soaps in their little plastic bottles may seem convenient. They don’t dribble their suds or coagulate in a soap dish. But they have at least two huge drawbacks. Going back to the bar can solve a couple of big problems.
Continue Reading →Who would have thought – how you brew coffee can increase your cholesterol. Electric drip? Espresso? French press? Which method is better? Which pot is better?
Continue Reading →Bella DePaulo showcases recent media coverage of the growing phenomenon of solo- and single-hood in her most recent blog.
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A new professional field is taking shape. Having emerged about 15 years ago, it’s coaching – variously billed as executive, career, business, life, or personal coaching. The basic purpose is to help you realize your goals. Who coaches? And why? Flying High Solo interviewed two coaches to explore their practices.
Continue Reading →Cereal for dinner? No way. You deserve a lovely meal. Cooking for yourself has many advantages.
You can 1) eat what you really enjoy, without catering to other’s tastes, 2) save money, it’s cheaper than eating out or buying prepared foods,
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Sometimes it’s better to take an ambulance to the hospital than have a friend drive you in an emergency. It may sound scary and lonely, but it maybe better for you. Why?
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Bella DePaulo's blog for Psychology Today, "the truth about singlism..." News, analysis, facts, and stories about being single in America