About Flying High Solo – On living the curious life
We’re a lifestyle “blogazine.” We’re curious about people who follow their passions and live full and meaningful lives. We delve into their intimate stories – who they are, what they do, what drives them. We also cover some health and good living tips. Be curious with us – and be inspired to live your best life.

Charla Agnoletti works to make high school students responsible and peaceful. Look for her story under the People tab in the navigation bar.Subscribe
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How you brew coffee can affect your cholesterol – click on the Things to know Tab in the navigation bar.
We invite you to share your comments and suggestions. Have an idea for a story? Want to add your thoughts? Each story has a comment section. Join the conversation. And please use the contact page for your ideas and suggestions.
I’m a curious person. I wonder about how people live their passions, and what we can do individually to live in ways that are good to each other and the planet. And I want to share the interesting things I find with you.
Early readers may remember I started FHS to honor the engaged lives of solos – but everyone is alone sometimes. Now I’ve expanded to include everyone – FHS is relationship-neutral. Each of us has individual talents, interests, and passions that we must nurture to fulfill the potential within our own unique selves. I hope these stories give you insights and inspire you to live your best life.
Celebrating special people, good ideas, and useful actionsSubscribe
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What readers are saying
"amazing variety of topics"
"an intelligent, strong, creative, eclectic approach .... that we don't get a chance to read everyday"
"very cool and intelligent"
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